

KG Day 2018

Admin | Monday December 17, 2018

No year is complete without showcasing the talent of the students of L.Kg and the U.Kg. As we approach the end of 2018, KG Day was held on 15th December 2018, a colorful and memorable Cultural Fest was organized by the teachers of L.Kg & U.Kg. and held in classy auditorium of our school.

In this grand show, 200 students were participated with the theme MERA BHARAT MAHAN – symbolized India’s Unity in Diversity – a unity without uniformity and diversity without fragmentation”. Each group depicted tradition, costume, food and the spirit of 8 states- Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa, Jharkhand and West Bengal. The taglines, teacher’s creativity entertained the audience and made it unique. The children gracefully danced in gay bright colours spilling with joy and smiles to I LOVE MY INIDIA.

We would like to put on record our appreciation of the parents of the Primary and Kindergarten pupils- thanks to their interest, enthusiasm and constant support for our endeavours; to the pupils of the Primary and Kindergarten Schools who make it all worthwhile with hard work and efforts. It is thanks to the commitment and hard work of all the teachers that puts KSMS in a position to give our pupils such a diverse and interesting education.

KG-Day-2018 KG-Day-2018 KG-Day-2018 KG-Day-2018 KG-Day-2018 KG-Day-2018

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