Annual English Fest 2022 at KSMS


Annual English Fest at KSMS

Admin | Saturday September 24, 2022

The Orators’ Club of Kerala Samajam Model School, Golmuri organised the Annual English Fest on 24th September, 2022. This was an endeavour to hone the oratory skill of the students.

Around 400 students from classes LKG to Xll participated in this Fest.

The events were :
1. Choral recitation for classes LKG to IV
2. Elocution for classes V to Vlll
3. Declamation for classes X to XII

The students of Std. X to XII also articulated their thoughts on ‘ We have an Indian Body but a European psyche and soul’ through a debate competition.

Prize winners for the various events are:


Level Winner Runners Up
Std. I  and II Std. II Std. I
Std. III and IV Std. IV Std. III



Level Winner Runners Up
Std. V and VI Aditi Mandal (Std. VI) Srinika Bose (Std. V)
Std. VII and VIII Rishika Thakur (Std. VII) Pragya Roy (Std. VII)



Level Winner Runners Up
Std. IX and X Pushkar Jhaluka (Std. X ) Ritika (Std. IX)
Std. XI and XII Jaspreet Kaur (Std. XII) Eka Eshwari (Std. XII)



Level Winner Runners Up
Std. X, XI and XII Aamna Akhtar (Std. XII) Ashray (Std. X)

Annual English Fest 2022 at KSMS Annual English Fest 2022 at KSMS Annual English Fest 2022 at KSMS Annual English Fest 2022 at KSMS

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